Joost Gerritsen


Joost Gerritsen completed his studies in painting and drawing at the AKI, Academy of Fine Art in Enschede, the Netherlands, in 1993. He later relocated to Amsterdam, where he co-founded the “Drawing Club” with his cousin Merijn Bolink. This group of artists gathered on a weekly basis to create and draw still-life compositions, often incorporating half-finished sculptures or paintings. These compositions went beyond the conventional representation of apples and wine bottles, resembling installations instead.


In 2006, Joost moved to the countryside near Valencia, Spain. It was there, in 2017, that he came into contact with PenJa’m, a collective of dancers and musicians who performed regularly in Valencia. Inspired by the art of dance and music, Joost picked up photography again, a medium that had always lingered in the background of his creative career.


Alongside his dance and concert photography, Joost began exploring photography as an independent form of artistic expression. Since 2019, he has been a member of The Ground Collective, founded by Matthew Swift, a group of artists based in London inspired by their surroundings and what they encounter on a daily basis.


In his recent photographic work, Joost focuses on exploring the nature and identity of objects and how they relate to each other. The years he spent constructing and sketching still-life compositions have undoubtedly influenced and resonated in his latest work.