Geen steen is alleen.

Geen steen is alleen.

De stenen hebben een geduld. Een langzaam wachten. Zij veranderen met de stand van de zon, de neerslag van de regen en de zucht van de wind. De Steen waar ik het over heb was voor mij al aanwezig. En na mij wacht ze geduldig. Ze wacht niet op iets. Het wachten zelf is...
Dust tracks

Dust tracks

The strange thing about the photo is that it shows you something else than what you see. In many ways. This photo was taken without looking through the viewfinder. As I took it in a hurry and hadn’t time to lie down on the ground and take a proper picture. So I...
The identity of objects

The identity of objects

When I work on a still life photo I need an entrance. A way to get a feeling for the objects. Still life photography and painting is all about empathy. You can’t make a good still life without understanding deeply what the objects mean to you and what they...
The art of imperfection in still life photography

The art of imperfection in still life photography

Wabi Sabi and Still Life Photography There’s a lot of food that will never reach the shelves of the supermarket.There’s a whole election process going on where the food is selected and rejected for the trip to the groceries. Some of the food that looks a...
Revisiting old photos

Revisiting old photos

The flexibility of a trio. Sometimes it’s good to look back at old photos. Especially to get a more objective picture of what you have done.When you make a photograph or a painting or drawing, it is often very difficult to determine where and what the important...