Corre Foc

Feb 20, 2023

A Photo Blog

Corre Foc

Correfoc – Villar del Arzobispo

Corre Foc meaning running with fire in Valencian is a night that’s part of the Carnaval in Villar del Arzobispo, a village in the Valencian province of Spain.

I would almost say, if you want to learn photography, these nights with fire, movement and people in costumes are ideal. As you have to change the shutter speed and the aperture constantly, depending on the light and situation.

You have to be on high alert, taking into acount, not only the right exposure, but also the composition. All in a fraction of a moment.

During the night I used a 23mm lens as I wanted a prime lens with the option of having 1.4 aperture.
Everything is happening really fast during such a night, people moving in unexpected ways. The light is changing constantly and there is excitement and emotions in the air. People drunk or dancing, having fun.

It’s like a combination of street photography and theater photography. And the great thing is that you don’t have to be afraid to photograph people. As everybody wants to be photographed!

There’s a lot going on at the same time. And its not easy not to panic and to think that you missed a shot. With a 23mm you have to be close to the people, to be where the action is. But as it is so crowded nobody cares if you take photos. There’s no time to be shy. Enjoy the moment.

The Corre Foc is where people run with fireworks in their hands, throwing it at your feet to let you move and dance.  




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