The eco system, complexity without end.

Aug 30, 2022

A Photo Blog

complex photo in nature

There ain’t no such thing as a lonely tree.

Nature is complex. And with all things the more you start to understand stuff, the more you know that you don’t know much at all.
Photos can be minimalistic and simple of design, still they are complex. Art is as complex as the observer.
In this case I wanted a complex image with all kinds of detail and directions. Still the two branches give the photo a structure.
It’s hard to say sometimes what triggers me to take a photo of a certain situation. There’s a lot of intuition involved. Stupid excuse, but as the experience grows you get to know your own intuition better. I feel that by photography I get to know myself better and as I live not alone, my surroundings too. As life is complex and connected.
I took the photo today while having a walk with the dogs, following a walk I know blindly. Still everytime the walk surprises me, as there are new things to discover and old things seen in a new light…
A photo is a strange thing as it resembles reality so closely, still it’s something completely different. It’s a memory and even a memory is not the same. Even a photo on a screen is not the same as a printed one. We all know that, but often we forget and are lured into the comfortable thought that what we see in the photo is the thing itself.


F#CK Focus

F#CK Focus

FUCK FOCUS Focus is overrated, it's not a criteria per se. What is important is the emotion of the photo.It's something I realised when I made this photo 6 years ago.The photo shows us some women,...

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Waiting is my speciality.

Waiting is my speciality.

Waiting. That's what stones are good at. It's hard to fathom how stones perceive time. We wait, spending time between moments. Anticipating for the next thing to occur. Stones, just wait. Slowly...

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Revisiting a memory

Revisiting a memory

A photo is a memory by default. An image of the past.A glimpse into a world where you're not physically are.When developing a photo you had the option only to slide a part of the paper in the...

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