Strange flowers

Strange flowers

Strange flower I shot this photo close to my home.  A beautiful scene that gives you more questions than answers. And things to ponder about. Like the relationship between the things we make and construct as humans and how they relate with the environment.  In so many...
The simbiose of shoe and tree.

The simbiose of shoe and tree.

The soul an the tree. This shoe is living in a tree in my friend’s garden. It’s been living there for some time now. I don’t know when Shoe decided to  make a pact with Tree, but I guess it must have been a while ago. Shoe has become brandless and...
A trip to the Loriguilla lake.

A trip to the Loriguilla lake.

Loriguilla lake. – water reservoir The water reservoir at Loriguilla. This Monday I took the first trip to explore the nearby country. The idea is to extend my nature and landscape photography.I live in such a beautiful part of Spain with a canyon on a stone...
At the carob factory

At the carob factory

The carob factory coming to light… The original file Rembrandt in the factory Today we went to the algarroba (carob) factory. With tons of carob. (5 cars full) As we have a field with carob trees. The carob beans used to be sold as food for horses but the...
Nature’s shadow

Nature’s shadow

Looking into the window I pass this window perhaps thrice a week. Most of the time I don’t look into it, nor out of it. The window is on the brink of not being a window anymore.But as there’s still a whole in the wall I guess you can say it’s a see...
The eco system, complexity without end.

The eco system, complexity without end.

There ain’t no such thing as a lonely tree. Nature is complex. And with all things the more you start to understand stuff, the more you know that you don’t know much at all.Photos can be minimalistic and simple of design, still they are complex. Art is as...