Waiting is my speciality.
Waiting. That’s what stones are good at. It’s hard to fathom how stones perceive time. We wait, spending time between moments. Anticipating for the next thing to occur. Stones, just wait. Slowly building up momentum for the next movement. As move they do,...
Revisiting a memory
A photo is a memory by default. An image of the past.A glimpse into a world where you’re not physically are.When developing a photo you had the option only to slide a part of the paper in the developer bath. And so only visualizing part of the whole experience...
Dolly was here!
About a year ago I found some material hanging on a acorn bush. And thought it was the filling from a sleeping bag or other synthetic stuff.Today I found the same material again on some thorny bushes. And it suddenly dawned upon me that it’s actually sheep...
Protected zone.
In a way, it’s too obvious to make a photo of a mask. Masks have dominated the whole COVID period.Here in Spain people even wore masks while jogging.And now you find the pieces of cloth everywhere. Used up and thrown away textiles. Made to protect us from...